The driving point system, enforced by the DMV, is a scale to determine the severity of the moving violation committed. However, if you’re busted for speeding, you can avoid point addition by enrolling in the basic driver improvement class. For example, if your license is suspended or involves a DUI ticket violation, you will have to enroll in an Advanced Driving Improvement (ADI) course. The type of traffic school course you enroll in depends on the severity of your violation. At the very least, it’s a good way to avoid additional points after committing a traffic violation. When you complete the program and present the certificate of completion to the court, your record could be cleared. Attending a certified Florida traffic school will help you reduce the number of points on your license. You can enroll in traffic school driving classes to remove points from your driving record. How to Get Driving Record Cleared with Traffic School You might be wondering, “How do I remove points from my driving license?” In which case, we will be walking you through how to clear driving record by reducing points. The reason why drivers try to avoid points on their record is because doing so will lead to a Florida license suspension. In fact, accumulating driving license points is a bad thing. Getting points on a driving record isn’t a competition.